Student Clubs and Organizations

At GAAQ, there are a plethora of afterschool activities (ASAs) and student organizations for our scholars to engage in.  From the Eco Club that incorporates Lower School and Upper School to our THIMUN delegates, student clubs and organizations are considered an important part of GEMS American Academy Qatar’s programming.

Lower School

Teacher-led afterschool activities provide more opportunities for our students to bond with our educators as well as participate in fun extracurricular experiences.  Please note that these ASAs start at KG2 and students can choose to participate up to two days a week in these programs.

KG2 - Grade 2 Activities Grade 3 - Grade 5 Activities
Multi-Sport Athletics: Frisbee Singing Club
Multi-Sport Athletics: Basketball / Pickleball Drama
Cosmic Yoga STEM Activities
Arts and Crafts Eco-Green Club
Winter Day Crafts Math Support
Sketching and Cartooning Multi-Sport Athletics: Frisbee
Reader's Theater Gymnastics
Playdoh Arabic Support
Math Games Fun and Games
Out of Eden Retro Games
Kids Dance Reading Club
Handwriting Computer Programming
Reading Club Recycling
Spirit Team Percussion and Singing
Mindful Coloring Dances Around the World
Step-by-Step Drawing

Upper School

In Grades 6 – 12, students have diverse opportunities to participate in student organizations or initiatives that are local, regional or international.  Participation is encouraged and membership is open to all Upper School students (depending on the criteria of the program):

  • The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN)
  • Qur’an Recitation Competition
  • GAAQ Student Council
  • Doha Medical Conference Review
  • Qatar Green Building Council
  • Immerse Education Essay Competition | Cambridge Summer School
  • Visual Arts Creators Exhibition
  • Inter-school Battle of the Bands Competition

Additionally, there are a number of afterschool activities that Upper School students can participate in throughout the year.

Middle School ASAs High School ASAs
MS Student Council (Grade-Level Reps) HS Student Council
Dance Club Yearbook Club
French Dance Club
Math Olympiad Model United Nations (MUN)
Qur'an Reading Math Help
Magic the Gathering Robotics
Robotics Coding Club
Film Club Toastmasters
Gavel Club Newspaper Club
College and Career Exploration Guitar for Beginners
Newspaper Club Eco Club
Arabic Writing Competition Photography Club
Chess Club Choir
Cooking Club Lunchtime Football League
Photography Club

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